Friday, July 21, 2017

Why do people generally put on weight after they quit smoking? A special report by the Cigarette Killer

Why do people generally put on weight after they quit smoking?

Most smokers eat junk food nearly every day of their smoking lives because they know the cigarettes are already destroying most of their "healthy living" so why bother to eat right, right? There are 45 million smokers in the United States and Americans eat about 50 billion hamburgers a year, so go figure. McDonald's alone sells 75 burgers every second of every day. Fast food, beer and aspirin are a typical consumption regimen for many smokers, who don't sleep well, have sicknesses last longer than non-smokers, and have that constant hack cough. So no matter what weight a smoker may be "weighing in" at while smoking, that weight is likely to skyrocket after coming off nicotine. The hourly or bi-hourly stimulant keeps many smokers skinny or at the weight they were when they started smoking, but there's more health detriment in store for the "ex-smoker" who doesn't understand a thing about nutrition.

Nicotine is a stimulant and a sedative - it kills appetite, but it feeds long term depression

Nicotine is a heavily used addictive drug and the leading yet preventable cause of disease, disability and death in the United States. Ninety percent of lung cancer cases involve cigarette addiction. So exactly what is nicotine? Nicotine is a naturally occurring clear liquid that turns brown when burned and smells like the tobacco when exposed to air. It has very complex and UNPREDICTABLE effects on the brain and body.

Forget for a second about how nicotine makes smokers feel while they smoke it, and let's talk about the long term "feeling" that keeps them reeling backwards, losing not only the benefits of healthy living but the drive and motivation to fuel a progressive lifestyle. It has long been known that smokers have higher rates of depression than nonsmokers, but research reveals a deeper link, one of a causal relationship. Depression, quite often, leads to uncontrolled eating "binges" and a "lack of caring" about much at all. When smokers quit, they still have a need to feel enthusiastic, and without changing what they eat, that "enthusiasm" may be for convenient junk-science addictions like cheap chocolate, fried foods and just plain eating to occupy their time.

Solution: Eat more vegetables - the organic ones

If you recently quit smoking or are about to, you can get healthy and lose weight or simply maintain proper weight, without medication, surgery, or consuming artificial sweeteners, that are all usually very detrimental to holistic health. Start first by reading articles and books that talk about oxygen killing cancer cells. Organic vegetables feed your cells oxygen and can make you feel "full" even when your stomach is only half full. This is a strategy. Also, true spring water alkalizes an ex-smoker's highly acidic body and brings energy and vitality into the new equation, fueling the innate desire to exercise. This is also a strategy. Strategies for obtaining and maintaining optimal health can be very simple. That leads us to talking about omega 3's (healthy fats) and how vitamin B complex can balance the central nervous system. This is a key third strategy to never putting on unhealthy weight after quitting smoking.

Omega 3's and vitamin B complex can help eliminate stress, anxiety, and depression

The 7,000 chemicals in cigarettes disrupt the CNS, the central nervous system. This creates anxiety, nervousness and doubt. Nicotine provides just enough kick to make smokers feel normal for 20 minutes. Little do most smokers know when they quit, that specific natural foods, vitamins and supplements boost dopamine and serotonin production, and balance the central nervous system. Vitamin B complex, mucuna, and cabbage are great examples of this. 

Also, many nutrients, such as the B vitamins, are critical to proper brain function. In fact, fatty acid deprivation works against optimal brain power. The brain is almost entirely composed of fatty acids. Insert one avocado into your daily diet. Buy some coconut oil and flax seed oil. These will replace whatever salad dressings you were using. Remember to rotate your greens, like collard, spinach, kale and mustard greens. It's no huge secret this works. If you smoke, become a non-smoker today, and never put on a single pound of unwanted, unneeded weight, in fact, find your perfect balance with natural news.

"It's no secret that long-term diet and nutrition choices have an effect on the way we look and feel; but new studies show that nutrition can also affect the way we think. As it turns out, there really is such a thing as 'food for thought.'”

Here are great sources on all of this:

Weight Management: A Special Report
There is a 75-year "CON" known as Western Medicine, but it's a hush-hush topic in the news and in newspapers and magazines. Although medical doctors and surgeons are experts at fixing broken bones or removing animal fat from clogged arteries, the "pharmaceutical nation" known as the USA is caving in on itself, but nobody is allowed to talk about it on TV, or they lose all their sponsors. There is also a world of medicine known as organic food, but some people want to cook it, fry it, boil it or broil it, or even worse, grill it out, and that LIVE food becomes DEAD food, useless to the body, which needs nutrients for immunity, cellular health, vitality and sustainability.


So why don't oncologists talk about RAW foods, which are full of nutrients, oxygen for the cells (the cure for cancer) and the RAW REGIMEN when people are on their "death beds" or "sent home to die" with pancreatic cancer, liver cancer or cancer of some other organ that you have to have to survive? When cancer spreads to the lymph nodes or the spinal column, why don't doctors, surgeons and oncologists tell their patients about these RAW foods that give them the best chance at recovery? And I mean permanent remission and recovery. Are these "Western Medicine" practitioners evil, money-grabbing cons or are they just ignorant, miseducated and unknowing? How could that be? How could you be trained to do surgery or read lab results and not know ONE THING about nutrition? Do some of them know but are not saying because their income would drop to about 25% of what they make now, using dangerous chemicals to treat a chemical-driven disease? No oncologist in the world suggests medicinal mushrooms, and take a big guess why! (

The answer to every one of the questions above is to just listen to the people who DO KNOW about RAW foods and can tell wonderful stories of their own recovery from deadly cancer and why they chose nutrition over chemo, surgery and radiation. Learn from honest souls who share their most personal journeys, through and past the "cons" of the cancer-industrial complex. Consider the fact that even scientists have found a natural cure for cancer, and people TESTIFY in court that it works, even for children with "terminal" cancer: (

Natural News has a few other heart-warming stories about real people who survived "lethal" cancer and lived to share their stories with the world: Jay Kordich, known as the "father of vegetable juicing," says raw foods are responsible for overcoming his own bladder cancer. One of his followers, John Kohler, has been on a raw food diet since 1995, primarily enjoying juices. Not only did he survive his spinal meningitis, but he also lost weight and is living life more healthfully than ever.

Don't Eat Cancer!

Put it this way: if you were getting sick from moldy bread, would you look for a cure from a vaccine, or medicine, or consider surgery, while you kept on eating more moldy bread every day? It's not that hard to filter chemicals from your daily intake. Check out Fooducate - the free phone app that scans the barcodes of foods and drinks, tells you if it's GMO and rates it for quality! (

Check out great RAW FOOD regimens: (

One-and-a-half million people every year fight cancer and need to know about RAW foods, and we could end this "search for the cure" that the masses are CONNED into believing is worthwhile. The cure is here! The cure lives in nutrition. Appreciate the fact that... if you don't "eat" cancer, it doesn't "eat" you.

Learn more:

Question: So what shall you eat?!

• High quality, organic, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil: use on the skin as lotion; use as salad dressing; known to lessen risks of colon cancer and heart disease.

• Dark, organic chocolate: reduces stress; helps with depression; lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

• Organic garlic: helps fight coughs and colds; considered nature's antibiotic; helps with digestion and intestinal problems.

• Organic cinnamon: antibacterial and antifungal; reduces proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

• Organic honey: helps you lose weight; nature's energy booster; has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

• Juice organic raw vegetables: A decent juicer costs less than $100.

The Cigarette Killer invites you to...
Wave the Ultimate "Goodbye" to Cigarettes forever ...

"When you stop smoking for good, the process is physical and emotional. There is much more to quitting than just breaking the nicotine addiction, including behavioral patterns and nutritional deficiencies that must be addressed. You need modern solutions to "modernized" problems."    - SD Wells, Investigative Reporter for Natural News


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  Ask and you shall receive. From worst to best, here’s a valuable list you can put to work for your lifestyle change, if you smoke or vape ...

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